Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday!

It's amazing how, when focused on other things, God shifts our focus.

Much like the two-year-old who hears his parents' guiding words, but is still intent on pressing his boundaries, I am sure I often do the same thing with God.

I get busy doing my own thing.  It may or may not carry fulfillment with it, but my eyes are diverted from my Father.  I want to do this other thing first- even if only to press my boundaries.  For me, this often comes in the form of cooking or Facebook.  I know I need to practice.  I love to practice, but I often avoid that thing that I was made for.  This makes no sense.  Tell me if you have the answer!

So, today, as I was searching for the password to my website so I can do some much-overdue updates, I found something potentially more valuable.

You see, I always keep a small notebook with me to jot down directions, recipes, shopping lists, sermon notes, and the occasional prayer.  As I was getting frustrated that the thing I was looking for was not where I thought it was, I found this:

"Response. Thinking about Jesus on the cross.  Would I associate with Him despite His seemingly low position at that time?  Would I own the man on the cross?  Would I face His fate for associating with Him or would I pass it off as His burden, not mine?  What is wrong with my spiritual state if I do not own this man of sorrows, who, enduring the worst is MY greatest lover and advocate?  LORD, may I make you mine in my heart.  I am and will always be yours.  
Love, Kelly"

How perfectly appropriate for today, Good Friday.  To be confronted with the person of Christ.  Not his benefits (although they are great).  Not tradition, nor community, nor good works.  Just Christ.
My friend-
Who will always speak the truth, never lie to me, and never grows weary.
My lover-
Who will never forsake me.
My God-
Who will never leave me.
My Savior-
Who died to bring me near.

Praise God.  I am rich because He became poor- who, in so doing, gained us as His inheritance.  Is there anything more beautiful and profound?

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