In February 2010, God began to noticeably tug my heart in a new direction. This May, I finished my third year of full-time music teaching. My direction and great desire is to glorify God in my music and serve His people through what I do. I have prayerfully chosen to make a move to Tennessee, which is an amazing hub for music and ministry. I merely wish to make myself available to God to execute His purpose on this Earth and to invest my gifts with purpose, whether that means playing in/recording with a band, leading worship, visiting small congregations to enrich their music/worship, teaching lessons, or simply walking the walk and fostering solid relationships with a new set of people- being Christ to them in a way only I can be.
This brings us to the Blog title- The Importance of Being Foolish, which is actually the title of a book by Brennan Manning. Is it foolish to leave a "good" job to enter the unknown? By man's standards, of course it is. I could have continued to serve for the next 35 years at my home church, in my old schools and with my fellow Fargo musicians, no doubt doing great things in that position. Secure pay, benefits and retirement. Maybe a lake place. Continuing with the same people and surroundings I have enjoyed since I was three. It's just not the right thing in this season of my life. I think there is more that I can do now that I won't necessarily be free to do in a different season.
Don't get me wrong. God has blessed me in amazing ways in this place. I just believe I am being called elsewhere to use gifts I have so often dismissed due to fear and pride. I believe I am being called to step out and minister to others through my music in a bigger way, which also happens to be a far riskier way. But, you know? My current position is perfect for such a leap. True to His character, God has not neglected a single detail.
My position? Young. Not married. Educated. Led. And passionate about living out my calling. I have systems of encouragement and accountability as well as a financial plan to get me through the coming year. I have a car that runs, a potential place to live, spiritually supportive family and friends, a violin, a voice and "the skills to pay the bills"- as one friend put it. I also believe that when you hear the call from God to "Go" you better get moving!
I don't expect this to be easy. I don't expect to make a lot of money (HA! I KNOW I won't be making a lot of money...). I know I might face varying opinions for leaving a great district of students and faculty that I love. I know I am going into the most musically saturated metro area in the country. While I know a few people and have some family in TN, there will be a stark contrast to my home where it is hard to go somewhere without having a connection to someone. It will all be very real very soon, and I have the most amazing peace about it all. I cannot wait to start this crazy adventure. And I am asking for your prayers. Let God be glorified in the work of my hands. I am ready!
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