Happy New Year!
I apologize I haven't written in quite some time. No, it is not for lack of blogworthy posts. Quite the contrary. There has been such a great wealth of ideas and life to process that I have found difficulty in filtering enough to produce even one focused, comprehendable post.
So, here we are.
I have been in Nashville 15 months and counting. I live in a very positive environment with roommates who make me feel more like family than merely someone with whom space is shared. I have awesome neighbors. God has blessed me with ever-deepening friendships. I am involved with a beautiful church that I love dearly. My life as a musician is a-movin' and a-shakin'. There are, of course, my fair share of unknowns, but God provides. What have I to fear?
So, then comes the question...
Which question?
I'll give you a hint.
It rhymes with Schmesolution...
Got it yet?
I don't have one. Rather, I am searching and praying about a theme for this year. Some people have a yearly verse or a word relating to character. I am not sure yet, but I'll be sure to let you know when I do.
In the meantime, I can tell you what I would like to see in 2013, in no particular order:
* Incorporate exercise every day.
* Expand my private teaching studio in the Nashville area.
* Step outside the box and write a few songs... and sing them.
* Seek people out more- in friendship, serving, and business
* Stop doubting my abilities and trust God as I steward what He has given me.
* With intentionality and intensity, take another big chunk out of my student loan debt.
* Dream big. (For that is the beginning of doing big things!)
* Prepare & purify- to grow strong spiritually & better serve those I encounter.
* Read that big stack of books I have accumulated.
* Play worship at my church in TN.
* Play at a festival. (Bonus if I can play at Sonshine Festival this July!)
* Record violin for an established artist on a full-length album.
* Play out on a real (2 weeks+) tour.
I guess that would make a baker's dozen, which is appropriate since I enjoy baking :) What are your goals? Where do you feel called? Are you headed in that direction? Let's keep each other encouraged and accountable, for we have been empowered by the Holy Spirit to will and act according to His good will.
Happy 2013!

I apologize I haven't written in quite some time. No, it is not for lack of blogworthy posts. Quite the contrary. There has been such a great wealth of ideas and life to process that I have found difficulty in filtering enough to produce even one focused, comprehendable post.
So, here we are.
I have been in Nashville 15 months and counting. I live in a very positive environment with roommates who make me feel more like family than merely someone with whom space is shared. I have awesome neighbors. God has blessed me with ever-deepening friendships. I am involved with a beautiful church that I love dearly. My life as a musician is a-movin' and a-shakin'. There are, of course, my fair share of unknowns, but God provides. What have I to fear?
So, then comes the question...
Which question?
I'll give you a hint.
It rhymes with Schmesolution...
Got it yet?
I don't have one. Rather, I am searching and praying about a theme for this year. Some people have a yearly verse or a word relating to character. I am not sure yet, but I'll be sure to let you know when I do.
In the meantime, I can tell you what I would like to see in 2013, in no particular order:
* Incorporate exercise every day.
* Expand my private teaching studio in the Nashville area.
* Step outside the box and write a few songs... and sing them.
* Seek people out more- in friendship, serving, and business
* Stop doubting my abilities and trust God as I steward what He has given me.
* With intentionality and intensity, take another big chunk out of my student loan debt.
* Dream big. (For that is the beginning of doing big things!)
* Prepare & purify- to grow strong spiritually & better serve those I encounter.
* Read that big stack of books I have accumulated.
* Play worship at my church in TN.
* Play at a festival. (Bonus if I can play at Sonshine Festival this July!)
* Record violin for an established artist on a full-length album.
* Play out on a real (2 weeks+) tour.
I guess that would make a baker's dozen, which is appropriate since I enjoy baking :) What are your goals? Where do you feel called? Are you headed in that direction? Let's keep each other encouraged and accountable, for we have been empowered by the Holy Spirit to will and act according to His good will.
Happy 2013!